Sandbach & District Talking Newspaper

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Hello and Welcome to Newsweek...

So begins our fortnightly recording of news and views from around the district.
Our free service for blind and partially sighted people in our community is more than just an audio version of the local newspapers. We do keep you informed about the news, events, controversies and opinions relating to the district. But we also have fun, with quizzes, jokes, stories, poems and discussion.

And there’s more! Every month we carry extracts from Cheshire Life, and every quarter This England and Evergreen.

So why not join us? We provide a portable player for your use, designed for blind people, and every week a re-usable plastic envelope arrives in the post with the recordings on memory stick. Just plug in and play!

If you would like to become a listener or know someone who would benefit from our free service, please click here.

Data Protection Policy
Our flyer advertises our free weekly service, delivered direct to your door. It is available to the blind or partially sighted or anyone with a permanent or temporary condition that causes reading difficulties.
Visit our sponsor

Newsweek is sponsored by Bathgate Silica Sand Ltd.

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